Wednesday 21 May 2014

making a list (and checking it twice)

Is it just me who can't keep track of anything if I don't have a to do list?


Here are a handful of my ambitions for the first year of my thirties:

Read the scriptures - oodles of wisdom and comfort to be found there. I'm making a point of reading at least one chapter of D&C on my commute home each evening this month.

Plan more awesome days out - I'm more of a planner than someone who thrives on spontaneity. Weekends are short, and I like to make the most efficient use of my time. Plus, there's nothing worse than finding out about something you really want to go see AFTER it has happened. At the moment, I'm trying to force myself to sit down for an hour or so each month with the local listing guide and transfer all the things that sound good into my journal. Then I can decide what to go along to based on free time and finances!

Write entries in my blog - well, here I am. I've written diaries sporadically throughout my life, including some DEEPLY embarrassing teenage journals. I have a particular fascination with autobiographical writing on the internet - the way you can get little glimpses of the lives of strangers who live in completely different worlds. I'm looking forward to becoming an active rather than passive participant of the blogosphere (and the so-called Bloggernacle!).

Another fun fact about me is that I spend inordinate amounts of time tracking down the cutest possible accessories. See my "busy as a bee to do list" above - I love it! Hopefully the happiness I feel when I look at the lists I write on the pad will help me become more productive (or that's the plan, at least...).

The theme continues with my diary and scriptures, as you can see...

(mini hand-covered Book of Mormon from dearestjane on Etsy - I absolutely love it!).

It can't just be me who incentivises myself to do stuff by buying pretty things... right? Tell me about your favourites.

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